Friday, November 19, 2010
International Postcard Art Exchange Update!
A couple days ago I decided to sit out on my balcony on a sunny day and finished all my postcards! I absolutely love this experience! I sent out all my postcards yesterday & it was such an awesome feeling! I'm excited for everyone to get a postcard from me & I'm excited to see the surprises in my mailbox from other art therapists/students from around the world.

ALL of these postcards are recorded in my facebook album, so make sure to add me & check each one out! I made a total of 26 postcards, two extra for a couple friends from Marywood that went on to graduate school for Art Therapy (Alexandria, VA & Portland, OR) The rest were all assigned to me from ATWB from the following places: Lakewood, OH, Beverly Hills, MI, Seattle, WA, Plainville, CT, Saint Louis MO, Buena Vista, CO, Sarasota, FL, Dallas TX, Newmarket, NH, Carmel, NY, Marietta, GA, Astoria, NY, Annandale, VA, Mayfield Heights, OH, Peabody, MA, Mississauga, ON, Bundoora Australia, Castanheira do Ribatejo Portugal, Tseung Kwan O.N.T Hong Kong, Kingston Jamaica, Lancashire UK, Singapore, Piario Italy.

ALL of these postcards are recorded in my facebook album, so make sure to add me & check each one out! I made a total of 26 postcards, two extra for a couple friends from Marywood that went on to graduate school for Art Therapy (Alexandria, VA & Portland, OR) The rest were all assigned to me from ATWB from the following places: Lakewood, OH, Beverly Hills, MI, Seattle, WA, Plainville, CT, Saint Louis MO, Buena Vista, CO, Sarasota, FL, Dallas TX, Newmarket, NH, Carmel, NY, Marietta, GA, Astoria, NY, Annandale, VA, Mayfield Heights, OH, Peabody, MA, Mississauga, ON, Bundoora Australia, Castanheira do Ribatejo Portugal, Tseung Kwan O.N.T Hong Kong, Kingston Jamaica, Lancashire UK, Singapore, Piario Italy.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sacramento Artwalk!

Opening night for the juried NorCATA member only art exhibit Soul Awareness at the Old Weatherstone in Sacramento!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"I know, I know for sure. That life is beautiful around the world.. "
Monday, November 1, 2010
NDNU Art Therapy
If your going to the Art Therapy conference, you will get to see two of my paintings now! Yesterday I took some time to make the NDNU Art Therapy banner for our school's tent at the annal Art Therapy Conference! I had a lot of fun making it, & a friend helped me cut out the lettering to glue on! I liked having someone interested in collaborating. I think it would be fun to things like that more with the school but that's just me being artsy me. Art therapists out there: stay true to your roots... don't make up excuses why you can't create art. You can do both!

Friday, October 29, 2010
International Postcard Art Exchange- November 2010-April 2011

I received about 25 national and international addresses of art therapists or art therapy students! We get to exchange handmade art postcards! This exchange is put on by Art Therapy Without Borders
and is a fun and creative way to network with other art therapists! I love getting mail, it's much more personal than emails, etc. I sent my first postcard (the one above) to ATWB and they will be posting the postcards they receive on their facebook. Also, I will be documenting the experience on my blog! I will post my postcards as well as the ones I get in the mail! Keep posted!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Guess What!

©2010 ℕO⊻∧ "The Echo of Souls", Spray Paint on fabric
I just found out this painting is selected for the NorCATA member only art exhibit Soul Awareness at the Old Weatherstone in Sacramento. during the Annual 2010 American Art Therapy Association Conference, art walk Nov. 5th. Very excited to be apart of it, such a beautiful theme for an art show! Make sure you come to the art walk if your attending the conference!
Description I wrote for the show about my painting and how it relates to the theme of the show:
"It all starts with the optimal experience, also known as "flow", a powerful force inside us that keeps us coming back to our projects. Where we tend to 'zone out' and put our entire selves into whatever we're creating. Through creativity we can clear our minds, we reach into the depths of our Being and find hope, love, truth, and peace. We reach epiphanies, new levels of consciousness, and insights that keep us in touch with our soul. In the moment of creating and looking at this painting, I feel so alive. As artists we have the opportunity to visually manifest the beauty of our souls anytime we choose. This painting for me, is a small discovery of beauty and I hope the painting resonates in you, too."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
New Idea =)

I just got a new Singer Sewing Machine & I love it! I've been experimenting since I've been doing lots of my paintings on fabric, I thought how rad would it be to make bags/artwork that is usable and one of a kind!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
More small works!

Just checking you up on some more of my paintings during my Advanced Painting class summer 2010!
©2010 ℕO⊻∧
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Furniture Art
When your running low on money and you have an old table no one uses, paint it! You can turn something that is boring and plain into something beautiful! =) At my school in Belmont, they painted old classroom desks, really fun art directive for art therapy! PLUS it's usable!

©2010 ℕO⊻∧

©2010 ℕO⊻∧
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
"Artfully Intoxicated"

©2010 ℕO⊻∧
Re-examine all you have been told at school or church, or in any books, and dismiss whatever insults your soul. -Walt Whitman
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Transpersonal World

©2010 ℕO⊻∧"A Transpersonal Flow Experience", 48 inches X 70 inches, spray paint on wood.
I absolutely love spending hours on end in the spray booth creating =) Especially at night when no one else is there and I can blast my music. I feel like anything is possible and the more and more I use spray paint, the more I fall in love with it. It is the most natural medium for me, it just feels so good! Also, the bigger, the better!! I love working big, it feels so much more natural to be standing up and using my whole body for each layer of the paintings. I feel like my "sitting down time" is when I make all my stencils, the drawing and cutting, etc. The way I paint is very transpersonal in feeling. My wholeness can only be whole when limitation is removed.
Sacred Mirrors: Discussing Transpersonal Art with Alex Grey
Transpersonal Art Therapy Education
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Finished Artworks Inspired by Mind, Body & Soul

This painting remains at my house in NY, it is really large and heavy, but I love working on wood!
"Root, Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, & Crown Chakras" Spray Paint on Wood ©2010 ℕO⊻∧

I had so much fun doing this one! I was happy to sell it to a very sweet girl who hung it up in her new apartment! I hope it breaths good energy=)
SOLD. "Mind, Body, Soul." 57 by 67 inches, spray paint on fabric. ©2010 ℕO⊻∧
When I paint I feel this extreme positive force that is telling me "the universe wants my FULL self" the universe needs us. And just as long as we are better people than we were yesterday, each day is meaningful. I have been practicing mindfulness awareness meditation. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is amazing. He writes about how the Buddha, the awakened one, "woke up and realized he didn't have to try to be something other than what he was." So the complete teaching of Buddhism is to re-discover who we are. In Mindfulness Meditation we are completely absorbed in the fabric of life, the fabric of the moment. We might feel that thinking about the past or future makes our life richer, but by not paying attention to the immediate situation we are actually missing our life. There's nothing we can do about the past, we can only go over it again and again and the future is completely unknown. So the practice the mindfulness is the practice of being a live! -Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Senior Show- BFA Painting & Drawing

All the moving around, traveling europe, learning like a sponge, all those hours in my studio and spray booth creating art, music blasting, ideas flowing, and happiness and love pouring out of me. The positive teachers I had that really pushed me and inspired me. All the memories and late nights. The frustration of art school. Breaking all the rules and never conforming. All those visions, discoveries, realizations and transformations... <3.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
New stencil preparation!
The theme for me next painting is Meditation and the 7 chakras, I hope to create a peaceful and positive energy that centers viewers =)
©2010 ℕO⊻∧
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